Groovy Gengar Games - Day Two - Streaming, Dragonball Fighter Z and XCom

Hey folks Groovy Gengar here.

If you've returned to continue reading my blog, then thank you for stopping by, and I'm glad you're enjoying it I hope).

I'm writing this just after streaming some of The Bureau: XCom Declassified, and if you've had the pleasure of playing this game, then you'll know there are issues with it, and the game certainly isn't perfect, and some may even argue if it should be a part of the XCom franchise, but, the game is alright in itself, and the core mechanic of the game (Squad commanding) is quite solid, though does lack a bit of variety.

So why did I choose to stream it?

Honestly, I decided to stream the game because it's been in my back catalogue for a while. When it got announced I was intrigued by the concept of a third person XCom game, and a game that puts you in the shoes of the units you boss about in the mainstream XCom games sounded pretty interesting. The only other game that has really delved into that kind of universe is the Command & Conquer series with Renegade, and much like The Bureau that also received some pretty mixed reviews, however, the multiplayer was absolutely amazing.

So for now, I'm kind of streaming for myself. I'm not really doing it for anyone else,or with any other particular goal in mind. I feel that if I force myself to play games that are popular, or that I may not want to particularly play, then I'll quickly get switched off the idea and pack it in like I usually do.

For now, the stream is quite small, just a couple of friends may drop in, so I'll mostly be streaming to him, and not much else, but we all start from somewhere, and who knows where it will end up in a few months if someone stops by and actually enjoys it. I do wonder if changing the game up will up my chances. Maybe I'll run a different game on some days to see if that changes things up.

Anyway, enough about that, and on to some interesting news I found out today in regards to Dragonball Fighter Z, the game that is currently taking the fighting community by storm, and completely overshadowing the classic fan favourite team fighter: Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite. I think the main reason this is so hyped is because nobody saw it coming, and there was not a whole build up to the game releasing, and from what I remember, beta signups to play the game are going to start very soon.

As of now the lineup consists of: Frieza, Perfect Cell, Majin Buu, Vegeta, Goku, Gohan and Future Trunks, with Piccolo and Krillin (yay?) just being announced. From the screens i've seen, I'm confident that these characters are going to hold up to the anime and the manga, and boy do I love those.

I can't wait for beta signups, as I'd be keen to have a go at it with some of my friends. It looks absolutely awesome.

Ok then, that's enough of my rambling tonight. I think my first proper game related blog post will be about The Bureau, as I do find it a very mixed bag of interesting mechanics and poor execution.

See you tomorrow!

Groovy Gengar



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