I'm back...again.

You know, it gets to a point where I do wonder to myself if I just leave these posts so far apart so I actually have a title for the blog post, I mean, if all the titles to my blog posts are "I'm back...again" it's not very imaginative, but hey, it is a title!

So, in all seriousness, it has been a long time, and there's an XCom review in it for you guys if you stick with it, but I get it. I've said that a LOT recently, and you've still not seen it. So what have I been doing? Well...playing games mainly, and just kind of doing my own thing, keeping up with the news, keeping up wtih the gaming news, same old same old.

Since finishing XCom, I've managed to clean up another 2 games from my back log, one of the best RPG's I've played in a while, Th Witcher, and Resident Evil 7. Big fan of that game, I feel the ending kind of let me down, but I think everything up until that point was absolutely fantastic. I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of horror games, and I can say that Resi 7 legitimately had me stressed out playing it. It's the combination of the First Person view and the cramped, claustrophobic spaces in which you have to fight. Truly a great entry into the series, even if they didn't quite hit the nail on the head with the Resident Evil vibe all the way through the game, though I guess that is just my opinion.

Well, what's next I hear you cry? Well, I can make some promises about having the XCom review up, but you know what? I'm probably not gonna do that, it puts pressure on me, and it will keep you all expecting something that might not come. I might end up talking about The Witcher or Resi 7 before that, but we'll see what happens, see what I feel like as I go along.

I might even end up writing about Starcraft Remastered. That came out today, and I had a go at it earlier, it's exactly as I remembered it, just with a nice little facelift. I do like Starcraft, never had the sheer APM, or ability to play the game decently (Had a run up to high Silver in SC2 which means nothing) and that's about as far as I got, but I bloody well enjoy it.

I've got my eye on Sonic Mania, it came out for console today, and from the gameplay and reviews, it looks as though that game is a true representation and remastering of the old school Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Sonic games, and that kind of excites me. That and it has my favourite level from Sonic 3 in there. Lava Reef. As well as a bunch of classics like Chemical Plant, the iconic Green Hill Zone and more. At £13 it seems like a bit of a steal too, so I may see that in my library by the 29th August, when it officially releases on Steam, though I hear it's quite short, so maybe that will make it to this blog before The Bureau review/thoughts.

Anyhow, that's all from me. I need to get back into the habit of posting more, but whatcha gonna do. I tend to do these later on at night before bed, it's just remembering, or having something important enough to talk about.

Ciao for now!



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